Temecula Valley Financial Planner

Temecula Valley Financial Planner

As your neighborhood real estate professional, I’ve had the opportunity to work with amazing professionals. Today I will introduce you to another local expert to provide meaningful information. I’m Mitchell Jones, and this is The Low Down on Temecula Valley. Hi, everyone. I’m here today with Kim Serber. Kim is the president and partner with Leeward Wealth Management. It’s a mouthful. She’s a financial planner, a fixture in our community. I have leaned on Kim for financial advice before but before we go any further Kim, I would like to really understand what exactly is a financial planner.

So a financial planner is someone who is not going to just look at you know a section of your financial life but your whole entire life like comprehensively, you know your your investments and your insurance and your retirement planning and Tax strategies and we’re looking at the whole thing to how can we efficiently help you to achieve your goal?

Okay. So let’s say I have a number in mind that I need to retire with. And I call you and I say, Hey, Kim, I need this amount of money. Where, what do we do? Where do we go from here? Okay. Do you want it to be about a number? No, I want a lifestyle. That’s a great question. Yeah. Yes.

So that’s kind of how I I’m a little different. It’s not about a number. It’s about your vision. What are you trying to create? So I would ask you, what do you want? What do you envision your entire your retirement to look like? So is it I want a mountain retreat in Colorado? Do I want a home here Do I want to travel so I can see my grandbabies and my family and friends and and wherever you know, just you know, General Traveling, I mean, whatever whatever it is you want, then will, you know create that vision and then backtrack, you know, what does it cost and figure out then what you need to save every month to create that vision for yourself. Okay,

I love that. Now, what about so you’re a financial planner? My goodness, we get approached by financial planners all the time in this community. There are a lot of them. Yeah, there are a couple without said, what, what sets you apart what distinguishes you from other financial planners?

So, I would say number one, it’s not about a number. It’s about a vision. I think that’s a little bit different approach than many people take. I am a Certified Financial Planner. I think that’s a big distinction. Not everybody has that designation. I’ve been in the industry since 1998. And I work as a fiduciary. So I am always going to put my clients interest first.

I love it. When you say fiduciary that was actually a key question on the real estate exam about we have a fiduciary responsibility for the clients we serve. And with that said, Sometimes there are people out there just for the sake of chasing a paycheck, they may not necessarily make the right decisions or give the best advice. But when you step back, and your gut tells you, this needs to be about them, not about us and our paycheck, the business just comes it really does. And that’s why you’re very successful in this business.

And it just makes your job so much more enjoyable. Because you’re really helping your clients. Yeah.

And I it’s, it’s so evident, you love what you’re doing. So let me ask you this just personally, when you’re not at work, which you work a lot of long hours, which I know firsthand. What else do you enjoy? What do you do?

So I play oboe and English horn with the corona Symphony. I have a lot of fun with that. I like to read I like to wine taste with friends. Not that we’ve never done that. And I like spending time with my awesome daughter Christy, who just became a lifeguard. We’re so proud of her.

Well, this truly has been a pleasure. And I hope you don’t mind at the end of this. We’re going to flash on your contact information, so that anyone who might be interested in meeting with a financial planner, they could give you a call or send you an email or text you set up a meeting at your office and get the ball rolling and thank you for your advice and your contribution in this community. You are greatly appreciated. We love your talents and your expertise.

Temecula Valley Financial Planner

Thank you

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